Before you decide:
- Today, many assignments are automatically assigned to the agency by from the forwarder. This is when the forwarder uses the web service to automatically assign the case to an agency in RCO/RC Mobile. We call this "add agent."
- Effective 4/1, you will be charged for all manually accepted and/or when the forwarder automatically assigns the account to your agency where the assignment is auto-accepted for you to work out of MBSi legacy systems - iRepo, RePros, RCO or RC Mobile. Note: Agencies do have the ability to accept and decline these cases in the new RecoveryConnect.
- The flat monthly license fee of $50 applies to all customers regardless of the transaction fee model you select.
Here is an example comparing the difference of Per Recovery pricing versus staying with $2 per Accept / $1 per Recovery for an agency with a 26% recovery rate. For proper evaluation, it is important you look at your company and do what is best for your business.
Recovery Rate = Total Recovered / Total Accepted Assignments

Staying with the Per Recovery fee:
- $0 to Accept Assignments.
- $50 Monthly Introductory License Fee. This fee covers all your users an integrations. No more RC Mobile per user fees. No more integration fees. Just one, flat monthly fee.
- New Per Recovery Fee. $6 per repo or $5 per repo if your agency is an active RISC Pro member. If you are going the extra mile to ensure your agency and agents are meeting the highest compliance standards in the industry, we want to award you and provide a discount. These per recovery fees will apply to any case originating from an MBSi lender.
- Unlimited Users. There will be zero per user fees.
- First storage lot free
If you still want to opt out of the per-recovery fee and remain at the $2 accept fee with $1 recovery fee, no problem, just submit the form below to opt-out.
When to sign up:
- Complete the form by the 28th of the month for the $2/$1 pricing to be reflected on your next month's invoice.